Blower Door Testing

So you are thinking you want to save on your energy bills and you keep hearing about energy audits and blower door tests. But what are they and how can they help you save? Blower door tests are a diagnostic tool used to measure the airtightness of your home. When...

Summer Energy Bill Savings

Summer is a time for vacations at the beach, no more school, enjoying the local pools or a lake day, and good old barbeques. All this fun can mean spending more during these hot summer days than other times of the year. All those ice cream cones, pool noodles, new...

Stay Cool This Summer Without Breaking The Budget

This spring has been a constant whirlwind with the ups and downs of weather. Lots of rain, then some high temperatures and then dipping into the low numbers at night. The spring has felt like a LONG process and it seems to be a wet and rocky start to the...

Energy Benefits of A Tiny House

If you love watching HGTV or keeping up with international housing trends, then you know all about the tiny house movement. People around the world are selling their homes and opting to buy and live in much smaller quarters for reasons that include self-sufficiency, finances, and environmental consciousness. Did you...

Home Health Hazards To Avoid

Maintaining a healthy home doesn't have to be a lot of work and can mean a happier home for you and your family. Did you know that an energy audit on your home has benefits beyond saving money on your heating and cooling bills? Our HEAT Squad energy auditor will...

Healthy Indoor Paints For Your Home

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air is around three times more polluted than outdoor air. Fresh, clean indoor air is a top priority for healthy homes, especially for children under age ten and those over age sixty. Paint and finishes are some of the bigger causes for...

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Home’s Carbon Footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint is great for the environment, but it can also benefit you and your home in terms of efficiency. Below, we have listed nine tips to help reduce the carbon footprint your home creates, saving you energy and money in the long run. Turn off the lights....

Six Reasons to Get an Energy Audit

If you have not heard of one before, a home energy audit is used to assess how much energy is consumed by a home. It is useful in detecting problems that may be causing a home to be less efficient and therefore use up more energy. If this idea is...

How Much Heat Are You Losing?

There are many ways you’re losing heat in your house. Whether it’s through doors, windows, walls, and even your roof. On average, a home can lose up to 30% of its heat through windows that don't fit into their casings or have gaps in the areas around the window frames....